I had visions of myself living in a house surrounded by cross stitched samplers and pictures like a very old lady. (I imagine I'd also have several cats, waiting for me to die so they could eat my face.)
It turns out that that hasn't happened.
You know why?
I've done a couple of birth samplers that I have given to friends and they've been very appreciative but they take up some serious time which means that no time can really be spent on doing anything for myself. Add in all the birthday cards that I make and my dreaded vision so far hasn't come true.
Now it begins...
For my birthday in April a friend knew that I was a geek and got me the perfect present. I set to it at once.
(That's a lie)
I didn't start it until August.
But I did track my progress...
And even though I finished it in August it's taken me until this weekend to get my backside in gear and get it properly framed. (Apologies for the rubbish last picture but it's dark in the mornings and and the evenings now - what's that all about?!)
And now it's on the wall. And I have stated out loud that he will be joined by other cross stitch projects that I will one day complete. There's one that I started on Boxing Day last year and have yet to finish. I've abandonned hopes of getting it finished within the year but now I have something to aim for - I want another one on the wall!
Sometimes I'm pretty sure I can feel the boyfriend despairing.
Aww cute!
I love it.
So pretty and cute! Will be back next week to catch up on your adventures then! xxx
Ahhh that's cute!!!
Now let me tell you that it is perfectly acceptable to stay in your pj's all weekend!!!
I get a new pair of pj's on Christmas Eve to wear that night and wake up in Christmas morning
Victoria xx
Oh it looks really cute!! Love cross stitch too but it does take forever to complete something doesn’t it? I started this bookmark a couple of weeks ago and it’s already covered in other stuff in a corner, soon to be forgotten… I do aim to finish it by xmas (possibly a present for my nan?) but I don’t want to get ahead of myself!! Let’s just wait and see what happens. Cross stitch is definitely a craft for patient people who know how to make time!
And by the way, THANK YOU so much for your message today. I can't seem to be able to leave a message from my work computer, so I have to do it when I get home (hence the delay after I approved your message!). Your message really did cheer me up, everything you said was right - so thank you very very much!!! Feel better now although I have a million things to do before the weekend and I could do with staying at home tomorrow! Hope the gym went well for you x
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