Three days after we moved in was a Saturday. We were still living amongst boxes and trying to figure out where everything would go when Mum announced...
RIP Pumpkin.
You'll be needing:
- Sweet Potatoes
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1 tsp nutmeg
- 1/2 tsp paprika
- Mini marshmallows
Then you just put the sweet potato on to boil and mash it up with some butter. Add the spices and mix well. Add a handful of marshmallows and stir them in and then whack it all in a dish and put some more marshmallows on the top.Then you just need to serve it up - we went for some lamb chops (which the boyfriend did stuff to with herbs although you'd have to ask him exactly what he did) and some sweetcorn and peas.
I know it does sound a little bit weird but you just have to trust me on this one. Go with me. Put your trust in me.(Unless you try it and don't like it. In which case I will deny we ever had this conversation.)
Have a good weekend everybody - I'm off to the Manchester for the weekend so I'll be back with pictures and probably boring stories to tell. But don't worry, I'll jazz them up and make them good for you.
A lot can happen in a couple of months!
8.45: Snuggle up and have sleep time with Other Mum
10.12: I hear something! Tall One has woken up!10:21: Pigeon watch
10.23 Fred’s playing with his plastic bag tie again. Try and join in but he hits me in the face.
10.25: FIGHT!!
10.30: Look at the rain out of the window with Fred. Maybe I don’t want to go outside after all.
10.46: They’re having leftover pizza for breakfast/lunch – that’s bad for them. Sit on the box to stop them opening it.
10.52: Sleep time. Sit on the back of the sofa where I can keep an eye on everything and everyone.13.05: Have some biscuits. I hate that I’m rubbish at jumping. Fred’s always on top of the kitchen cupboards but I can’t get up there. Tall One takes pity on me and lifts me up there so I can see what it’s all about.
13.14: Why is everyone so quiet today? Tall One is on his computer and Other Mum is furiously cross stitching Christmas cards. Nothing for it but to go back to sleep.16.37: Pigeon watch.
16.40: Other Mum goes to have a bath. She tells Tall One to feed us.
17.25: Other Mum comes out of bath. I let her know that Tall One didn’t feed us.
18:30: Fred didn’t finish his tea. I’ll sort that out.
18:41: Snuggle time with Other Mum
18.45: Oooh! Tall One is back from shops – leap up to go and greet him. Leave Other Mum with lacerations on her thighs.
19:34: HA! Found my own plastic tie thing. In your face Fred.
20:18: Find Fred on the bed. Have a nice sleep with him.
21:15 Oooh! I hear a crisp packet being opened!21:51: Other Mum’s still cross-stitching. Think I’ll help her out. (Can’t believe they still haven’t moved that pizza box.)
22:20: Haha! Found Fred’s plastic tag. Yes yes yes.22:22: Fred takes his plastic tag off me.
22.47: Sleeping all day has left me feeling pretty energetic. Time to chase Fred round and round the flat and climb on all the shelves and knock every one of Tall One’s birthday cards off.
23:28: Other Mum and Tall One go to bed. I’m not sleepy in the slightest and decide to play at pouncing on any part of their body that moves under the quilt.
23:46: Lights out? Really? Guess I’ll just go to sleep then.
PS Watch your toes in the morning.
PS. Don't move that plastic tie. I'm going to need it tomorrow.